Saturday, 6 June 2015

Healthy Ramadaan: Part 2

Alhamdulillah, we only have a few more days left until Ramadaan is on our doorsteps. Are you prepared? You should be prepared by now, if not, there is still time to do so in'sha Allah. 

In Healthy Ramadaan: Part 1, I gave you a brief on how your metabolism works during fasting as well as the types of foods you should opt for when preparing your Ramadaan meal plan. So you're meal plan is now sorted, but you still want to know if you can exercise during Ramadaan. The good news is, yes you can exercise during Ramadaan and Health24's Fitness Expert, Habib Noorbhai says that if you follow certain guidelines, it is perfectly safe. Read his tips here.

So Noorbhai says you should continue exercising because if you miss one month of exercise, its equivalent to losing four months of hard work. Yes you read correctly, four months gone. He also mentioned that you should maintain your current workout programme, but not intensify your routine. If you suffer from a chronic illness, injury or complication, then exercise with caution. 

Now that you have your exercise plan in order, here are some tips to follow to ensure you have a healthy Ramadaan.

  • Plan your schedule and meals ahead of time in order to make sure that you get the nutrients, hydration and rest that you  need. It's important that your body gets enough rest because fasting can take its toll on your body.
  • Eating suhoor/sehri is important and also Sunnah. There are many rewards and benefits of having suhoor so therefore make sure that you don't miss it and have an unhealthy 'dry fast'.
  • Drink plenty of water if you can during suhoor and focus on foods that are rich in carbohydrates and proteins because that's where you'll get your energy from.
  • Don't stuff your face during iftaar, instead break your fast the Sunnah way with dates and either milk, water or fruit juice. After maghrib salaah, continue with a light starter like soup or haleem and a cracker cos' nothing goes down well like hot soup on a cold winter evening. While still enjoying the feeling of eating after a long day of fasting, don't overeat. Have a light dinner and drink as much liquids as you can. Now don't mean caffeinated beverages and sodas.
  • Avoid fried and spicy foods as they may cause heartburn and indigestion.
  • Use this opportunity to eliminate bad habits like smoking.
  • Have an assortment of dried or fresh fruit and nuts instead of the caramel treat desserts. Reserve that for Eid, I'm sure aunty Fatima will understand. 
  • And after having all those yummy foods, don't forget to brush and floss your teeth for healthy teeth and gums. 
  • Maintain a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index): Ramadaan is the perfect time to absorb the spirit of fasting and become more aware of your consumption and eating habits. A common way to identify a healthy body weight is through the BMI. The formula for calculating your BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared: BMI= Weight/Height x Height. For example: 56kg/1.7x1.7=20.76

Underweight = 18.5
Normal weight = 18.6-24.9
Overweight =  25-29.9
Obesity =  BMI of 30 or greater
Remember to plan your schedule properly so that you can make the most of this blessed month by reading and reflecting on the Glorious Qur'aan and the purpose of Ramadaan because you never know if it may be your last. May Allah make it easy for you and me and allow us to reach full potential during this auspicious month. 
I will post recipes soon in'sha Allah, so stick around, but until my next blog post:
Peace, Love, Unity MwaHugs ;)


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