With the promise of summer comes great expectations; sunshine, freedom, relaxation, and endless days to make lotsa memories. You and your bff's spend weeks (even months) planning out all your amazing summer plans, but let's face it, all those parties, outings and adventures, don't really go as planned. All is not lost, however because sometimes it's the unplanned events that make the best memories. With summer, comes great expectations, but also a painful reality. Behold:
EXPECTATION: Planning an awesome summer vacation
REALITY: Just chilling at home, complaining about how bored you are, how hot it is and what you gonna next summer.
How often does the above happen? I'll say almost ALL THE TIME. We plan and prepare, but when the time comes to execute the plan, things just never fall into place.
REALITY: Binge watching those series you missed all year round in your hot room and a coupler snacks here and there. It's okay, but just don't overdo it, cos, I mean really?! Everyday and night? No!
EXPECTATION: Sleeping in summer has never been a breeze, especially if you don't have an aircon or fan. You expect to sleep like sleeping beauty, but...
REALITY: ... you end up sleeping like this...
EXPECTATION: You're finally gonna get to go to the beach, yaaaay totes exciting. You expect to find the beach like this... of course it will be right? I'm sure everyone else is going elsewhere?!
REALITY: ...no, everyone is NOT going elsewhere. Sadly, they're going where you're going and the beach is one place you have to share. Go early to find a nice chilling spot. Or perhaps you might find someone willing to share their space with you and you might just get a new bff, romance or bromance :)
Whatever you're planning on doing this summer or wherever you plan on going, do it safely.
- Tell someone that you are going out and what time you expect to return
- Try to vary your route and schedule as much as possible
- Avoid heading out at dusk or at night
- Avoid non-savoury areas
- It is advisable not to listen to music while out as you may not hear an approaching car, truck, suspect or even a dog
- Wear bright reflective clothing at all times – a simple reflector on your shoes will not suffice
- Carry some form of identification
- Carry your mobile phone with you
- Carry small change in case of an emergency
Till my next blog... toodles :)