Saturday, 13 December 2014


Summer starts when December starts, because before that, it's November and still spring. You know it's summer when you leave the windows open at night and have some rather 'expected' visitors (mosquitoes). You know it's summer, when you see short shorts on women... and men. You know it's summer, when it's officially no work or school =) and all play :D

With the promise of summer comes great expectations; sunshine, freedom, relaxation, and endless days to make lotsa memories. You and your bff's spend weeks (even months) planning out all your amazing summer plans, but let's face it, all those parties, outings and adventures, don't really go as planned. All is not lost, however because sometimes it's the unplanned events that make the best memories. With summer, comes great expectations, but also a painful reality. Behold:

EXPECTATION: Planning an awesome summer vacation

REALITY: Just chilling at home, complaining about how bored you are, how hot it is and what you gonna next summer.

How often does the above happen? I'll say almost ALL THE TIME. We plan and prepare, but when the time comes to execute the plan, things just never fall into place.

EXPECTATION: Chilling at the beach, basking in the sun, enjoying the cool drinks and light summer breeze.

REALITY: Binge watching those series you missed all year round in your hot room and a coupler snacks here and there. It's okay, but just don't overdo it, cos, I mean really?! Everyday and night? No!

EXPECTATION: Sleeping in summer has never been a breeze, especially if you don't have an aircon or fan. You expect to sleep like sleeping beauty, but...

REALITY: ... you end up sleeping like this...

EXPECTATION: You're finally gonna get to go to the beach, yaaaay totes exciting. You expect to find the beach like this... of course it will be right? I'm sure everyone else is going elsewhere?!

REALITY:, everyone is NOT going elsewhere. Sadly, they're going where you're going and the beach is one place you have to share. Go early to find a nice chilling spot. Or perhaps you might find someone willing to share their space with you and you might just get a new bff, romance or bromance :)

Whatever you're planning on doing this summer or wherever you plan on going, do it safely.
  • Tell someone that you are going out and what time you expect to return
  • Try to vary your route and schedule as much as possible
  • Avoid heading out at dusk or at night
  • Avoid non-savoury areas
  • It is advisable not to listen to music while out as you may not hear an approaching car, truck, suspect or even a dog
  • Wear bright reflective clothing at all times – a simple reflector on your shoes will not suffice
  • Carry some form of identification
  • Carry your mobile phone with you
  • Carry small change in case of an emergency 
Have a lovely summer vacation, stay safe and don't anything I wouldn't do :) ;)

Till my next blog... toodles :)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Friend, Foe or Frenemy!

Friendships are really important in a person’s life. There are different levels of friendship which are never really obvious on the surface; it is only when you reach a crisis point in your life that you find out just who your true friends are. Friends are not just those creatures that God put on the earth to do crazy things with; to paint the town (and faces) red; to ward off those stalkers or to talk you into doing something you'd never imagine you'd do; but they are sometimes family as well. Of course we have our best friends who are often closer to us than family; they share all of our secrets and know us inside out. We all have ‘fair weather friends’ who help us to celebrate and only arrive on our doorsteps when they need something from us, and then there are invisible friends who aren’t really there at all!  In life we face a number of challenges and unfortunately, one of those challenges is a fake friend. Now, if you're one of those people who tend to see the good in others and are often faced with the fake friend dilemma, here are tips on: "HOW TO SPOT A FAKE FRIEND"

They are selfish
Typically, a fake friend will only call you when they want or need something. Rarely, will they call for other reasons. You often get the impression that they are only calling you because no one else was available.

They thrive on gossip and drama
If someone enjoys gossiping about others, then they may be gossiping behind your back as well. Gossiping and spreading rumors has serious consequences and is at the base of relational aggression. You find yourself agreeing with them so as to keep the peace and not get into an argument. Avoid friendships with people who thrive on gossip and drama.

They require you to pretend
The hallmark of a healthy friendship is that you can be yourself. If you feel like you have to wear a mask or can’t be real, then that is the sign of a fake friend. You don't have to talk or dress differently in order to fit in. Fake friends also resort to peer pressure.

Fake friends lie
Many times, fake friends do not feel good about who they are so they lie about their accomplishments, their clothes, their possessions – anything to make themselves look better. And if they lie about themselves, they will lie about you too.  If you catch a friend in multiple lies, it’s probably not a healthy friendship.

Fake friends are critical
If their friends are constantly criticizing them, it is time to take a closer look at the friendship. Real friends are supportive and encouraging, but fake friends often criticize. Girls in particular are guilty of being critical about weight, dress-code, looks, etc.

They are not happy when you succeed
If your friends have something insulting to say every time time you succeed, then they are not real friends. Real friends celebrate one another’s accomplishments.

You have never felt comfortable enough with them to tell them a secret.
Usually, good friends will keep one another’s secrets. Real friends don’t tell the world who you are crushing on. If your friends is always spilling the beans, then it’s time to start considering that they are not friend-worthy.

Fake friends rarely have your back
Real friends will stick up for one another, especially when faced with a dilemma. Meanwhile, a fake friend will either be a quiet bystander even take part in the the whatever is happening to avoid becoming the next victim. If this is a regular occurrence, start looking for another group of REAL friends.

Take the 'Fake Friend Quiz' here and find out if you have a fake friend that you need to get rid of.

Remember, fake friends are toxic and once you have them, prepare for disaster (just kidding), or not!
And if you're the fake friend reading this, honey, you might wanna change your ways especially if you don't wanna end up alone & friendless with no one to tell about your crushes, with no one to go shopping with or with no one to lift you up when you're down (yeah, all that and more, you get the picture).

That's all for now. I'll be back  in a jiffy! Mwahugs!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

The South African Lingo Book: A Guide to Our Slang pt3

I'm back with part three :). I hope you have familiarised yourself with A-J and now know how to use them and when to use them. Let's recap a little:

"Ek se bra, I'm gatvol of this Pretoria weather, let's go to Durbs instead?"
"Jaa-nee, Saturday's jol was great hey!"

I'm sure you know what that means :)

Here's the rest of it


kasi: [kaa-see] Shortened form of lokasie, "location" in Afrikaans, the older word for township. Refers to the low-income dormitory suburbs outside cities and towns to which black South Africans were confined during the apartheid era.

kak: Literal translation : shit. crap, rubbish, nonsense (vulgar), of very wide usage. Also used as a way of further expressing one's feeling in language. 

klankie: [clunkie] unpleasant smell. Also said as just "Klank". 

klap: [clup] to smack. (From Afrikaans). "He got klapped in the bar". Like a "b**ch-slap".

kif: Cool, neat, great or wonderful. From the Arabic kayf, meaning enjoyment or wellbeing.

knobkierie: [k-nob-kee-ree] A fighting stick with a knob on the business end. From the Afrikaans knop ["knob"] and the Khoi-San kirri or keeri, meaning "stick".  

koeksister: [kook-sister] A traditional Malay and now also Afrikaner sweet, made from twisted yeast dough, deep fried and dipped in syrup.

 kwaito: [kw-eye-toe] The music of South Africa's urban black youth, a mixture of South African disco, hip hop, R&B, ragga, and a heavy dose of house music beats.

kwaai – cool, excellent (Afrikaans: "angry". Compare the US slang word phat.)


laduma!: [la-doo-mah] A popular cheer celebrating goals scored at soccer matches, from the isiZulu for "it thunders".

lappie: [luppie] A cleaning cloth.

laaitie: [lie-tea] a younger person, esp. a younger male such as a younger brother or son.
Sentence: "that's my lighter you talking about!"

laanie, larny/larnies: (n) boss, used in a different tones. (adj) fancy/rich
Sentence: "Oh the larnies are here."

lekker: [leck-irr with a rolling r] Nice, good, great, cool or tasty.


Madiba: [maa-dee-baa] An affectionate name for former President Nelson Mandela, and the name of his clan.
make a plan/ maak a plan (Afrikaans) : devise a way to overcome difficulties. "Leave it to me, I'll make a plan."  

mal: [mull] Mad, from Afrikaans.  

mampara: [mum-puh-rah] An idiot, a silly person. From the Sotho languages.  

mampoer: [mum-poo-er] Extremely potent brandy made from peaches or other fruit, similar to American moonshine.

mealies: [me-lease] Maize or corn. A mealie is a maize cob, and mealie meal is maize meal, the staple diet of South Africa, which is mostly cooked into pap. From the Afrikaans mielie.  

moegoe: [moo-ghoo] A fool, buffoon, idiot or simpleton.  

moffiemale homosexual (derogatory)

mos – Afrikaans, implies that what has been said is well known or self-evident (a formal part of grammar, the closest English equivalent would be "duh!").
Sentence: "Mos I said I'm coming at 2". Used at the end of a sentence: "...Jy weet mos." ("...Obviously, as you know ... ")

muti : [moo-ti] Medicine, typically traditional African medicine. From the isiZulu, umuthi.

Mzansi: [m-zun-zee] A popular word for South Africa.

naartjie: [nar-chee] The South African word for tangerine, Citrus reticulata.

nappy: A baby's diaper.

nca: Fine, beautiful. Pronounced with a downward click of the tongue.

: [neh] "Really?" or "is that so?" Often used sarcastically.  

nogal: of all things. Term expressing a measure of surprise.

now-now: Shortly, in a bit or in a moment.
Sentence:  "I'll be there now-now."

oke, ou: A man, similar to "guy" or "bloke". The word "ou" [oh] can be used interchangeably.

ousie: [ow-see] Term used to refer to a maid, usually a black female; Also used by black females to call/refer to each other as in 'sister'.

pap: [pup] The staple food of South Africa, a porridge made from mealie meal (maize meal) cooked with water and salt to a fairly stiff consistency, stywepap being the stiffest. "Pap" can also mean weak or tired.  

papsak: [pup-suck] Cheap box wine sold in its foil container, without the box.

pasop: [pus-op] An Afrikaans word meaning "beware" or "watch out".
Sentence found on someones outside fence: "Pasop vir die hond!" (Beware of the dog) 

pavement: South Africans walk on pavements and drive cars on the road [at least that's the idea]. The pavement is the sidewalk. 

potjiekos: [poy-key-kos] Traditional Afrikaner food, generally a rich stew, cooked in a three-legged cast-iron pot over a fire. The word means "little-pot food" in Afrikaans.

puffadder: A viper or adder of the species Britis arietans. From the Afrikaans pofadder.

rand: The South African currency, which is made up of 100 cents. The name comes from the Witwatersrand (Dutch for "white waters ridge"), the region in Gauteng province in which most of the country's gold deposits are found.  

robots: Traffic lights.  

rock up: To arrive somewhere unannounced or uninvited. It's the kind of thing friends do: "I was going to go out but then my china rocked up."

rooibos: [roy-boss] Afrikaans for red bush, this popular South African tea made from the Cyclopia genistoides bush is gaining worldwide popularity for its health benefits.

rooinek: [roy-neck] English-speaking South African, from the Afrikaans for red neck, but without the connotations given the term in the US. It was first coined by Afrikaners decades ago to refer to immigrant Englishmen, whose white necks were particularly prone to sunburn.  

rubbish bin: Alternatively dustbin or dirt bin. Garbage can.

samoosa: [suh-moo-suh] A small, spicy, triangular-shaped pie deep-fried in oil. Originally made by the Indian and Malay communities, samoosas – known as samosas in Britain – are popular with all South Africans.

sangoma: [sun-go-mah] Traditional healer or diviner. 

sarmie: Sandwich. 

shame: Broadly denotes sympathetic feeling. A South African admiring a baby, kitten or puppy might say, "Ag shame!", to emphasise its cuteness.  

sharp: Often doubled up for effect as sharp- sharp! , this word is used as a greeting, a farewell, for agreement, or just to express enthusiasm.
Sentence: "How are you? I'm sharp and you?"

shebeen: A township tavern, illegal under the apartheid regime, often set up in a private house and frequented by black South Africans. The word is originally Gaelic.  

shongololo: Large brown millipede, from the isiZulu ukushonga, meaning "to roll up". I hate theses shongololos, they make me jumpy.

sjambok: [sham-bok] A stout leather whip made from animal hide.  

skebenga: [ska-beng-gah] Gangster, crook, criminal. From the Nguni word for gangster. See also skelm.

skelm: [skel-lem] A shifty or untrustworthy person; a criminal.
skinner: [skinner] Gossip, from Afrikaans. A person who gossips is known as a skinnerbek: Sentence: "Jislaaik, bru, I'm going to donner that skinnerbek for skinnering about me." Translation: "Gee, my friend, I'm going to hit that guy for gossiping about me."

skollie: [skoh-li] Gangster, criminal, from the Greek skolios, meaning crooked.  

skop, skiet en donner: [skorp, skeet en donner] Action movie. Taken from Afrikaans, it literally means "kick, shoot and beat up".  

skrik: Fright.
Sentence:"I got a big skrik yoh" means, "I got a big fright".

skrik vir niks: Scared of nothing.
slap chips: [slaap chips] French fries, usually soft, oily and vinegar-drenched, bought in a brown paper bag. Slap is Afrikaans for "limp", which is how French fries are generally made here.  

smaak stukkend: Love to bits. In Afrikaans smaak means "like", and stukkend means "broken".
Sentence: "Ek smaak jou stukkend."

snoek: [like Snooki, but without the 'i'] A popular and tasty fish, often eaten smoked. A snoek braai is a real South African treat.  

sosatie: [soh-saa-tee] A kebab, often lamb on a stick.

sommer: for no particular reason, just because.

span: [spun] work or workplace.
Sentence: "I'm going to span man."

spaza: Informal township shop.
stoep: [stoop] Porch or verandah.
stompie: A cigarette butt. From the Afrikaans stomp, meaning "stump". The expression "picking up stompies" means intruding into a conversation at its tail end, with little information about its content.

struesbob: [s-true-ss-bob] "As true as Bob", as true as God, the gospel truth.

takkies/tekkies: Running shoes or sneakers. "Fat takkies" are extra- wide tyres.

tannie: [taan-ni] An Afrikaans word meaning "auntie", but also used to refer to any older female of authority or mother.
Sentence: "My tannie's coming now-now."

taxi: Not a metered car with a single occupant, but a minibus used to transport a large number of people, and the most common way of getting around in South Africa.  

to die for: An expression popular in the affluent suburbs of Johannesburg and Cape Town, denoting enthusiastic approval for an object or person: "That necklace is to die for."
toppie: Old man or father.
Sentence: "Ek se bra, my toppie said I can't go."

townships: Low-income dormitory suburbs outside cities and towns – effectively ghettos – to which black South Africans were confined during the apartheid era.

toyi-toyi: A knees-up protest dance.

tsotsi: A gangster, hoodlum or thug – and the title of South Africa's first Oscar-winning movie.

tune grief: Cause trouble.

ubuntu: Southern African humanist philosophy that holds as its central tenet that a person is a person through others.
vaai: slang for "to go". Durbanites like to say "Hey, let's vaai pozzy." = Let's go home

veld: [felt] Open grassland. From the Dutch for "field".  
vetkoek: [fet-cook] "Fat cake" in Afrikaans, vetkoek is a doughnut-sized bread roll made from deep-fried yeast dough. Mainly served with a savoury mince filling, it is artery-clogging and delicious.  

voetsek: [foot-sak] Go away, buzz off.  

vrot: [frot] Rotten or smelly.

vry – to make out or courting (equivalent to American "necking", British "snogging" or Australian "pashing")

vuvuzela: [voo-voo-zeh-lah] A large, colourful plastic trumpet with the sound of a foghorn, blown enthusiastically by virtually everyone in the crowd at soccer matches. According to some, the word comes from the isiZulu for "making noise".


yebo: Yes. Used to show agreement or approval. From isiZulu. SAinfo reporter. Additional information sourced from Wiktionary, Wikipedia and the Rhodes University Dictionary Unit for SA English.

yohan expression of surprise e.g., "Yoh, that was rude" "Yoh, you gave me a fright!", (Police-chief talking about the poor physique of his policemen) "They should look at our men and say "yoh!".

zol: a homemade cigarette rolled with old newspaper or rizlas (likely marijuana-filled) joint (equivalent to American "doobie")

...and that's a wrap. I hope you will use this guide wisely to get through the trying times in South Africa. We are an awesome bunch of people and our lingo proves it. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Toodles :)

Friday, 14 November 2014

Outfit Of The Day: Maseeha Moola

I came across pics of this little cutie on my Whatsapp contacts list so I got permission from her mom to use them for todays take of 'OOTD ft'.

Her name is Maseeha Moola and believe or not, she's only 6 years old, but already making waves. She is the daughter of designer slash, cook slash, teacher slash, super mom, Fazeela Isaacs. Little Maseeha is known as the '1st Lady of Zee' to her mom. She loves talking, (so I've been told), has a keen interest in cellphones, tablets, laptops and other cool gadgets. She enjoys reading and creating her own stories.

Her look is from the 'Maseeha' range and it was inspired by her awesomeness and positive diva-like attitude. It was also an early birthday gift from her mom who slaved the night away to have it ready (Super Mom I tell you). I have never had the opportunity to meet this little miss Diva, but I will soon in'sha Allah and I know she will be everything I expect her to be and more :) (the pics tell 1000 words- so they say). Young Moola baby ;)

The colours compliments her skin tone. I must say, Mummy Zee sure knows her stuff. Ya'll can check out her work on facebook- Maseeha Clothing

That's all for now and until next time, Peace, Love and Happiness. By the way, like my facebook page, click here
MwaHugs ;)


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Makeup style & tips

I like makeup and for those of you who don't know me well enough, I love art/drawing/painting etc. My face is my canvas and I use to it to practice my makeup, unless I have a willing volunteer which is rarely the case. Oh sister, wherefore art thou?!

Makeup can turn an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan or a man into a woman. It can take you from drab to fab ,but if not done properly, it can make you look ghastly. I think everyone should develop their own style because what works for you, may not work for me and vice versa, but it also helps getting tips from the pros. I'm a huge fan of highlight and contour and I've watched a lot of videos tryna get tips and tricks to do it. I decided to get my gadgets and doohickeys together and practice the highlight contour on this little canvas of mine. Here are the results.

Oops, wrong pics... nope, those are supposed to be there. This is what I look like on a daily basis, face moisturizer, kajol and lipgloss and I'm good to go. If you see me walking down the road or driving around, this is the me you're gonna see, so let it sink in.

as you can see, a little, foundation, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lip colour goes a looong way.

Is this the same person in the first three pics? Yes it is. This is the highlight and contour I've been going on about. The tips to get a great highlight and contour are simple: get foundation in your shade, in a few shades lighter than your own and in a few shades darker than your own. It should look something like this (p.s. I'm not the person in the next pic ;))

see what I mean? :) The first and last pics tell a whole new story.
Apply the 3 different shades in the following areas (as per your face):

Follow these tips to get the highlight and contour to suit your face and play around a bit to get the look for you. I did and I'm still doing & having fun with it.
                                           Until my next post mwahugs :)

Monday, 10 November 2014

Motion Sickness: The good, the bad and the vomiting!

You know that queasy-uneasy-heavy-hot-world-swaying feeling, when everything seems to moving in circles and it makes you nauseous. Flying is quick, effective and sometimes fun, but there is nothing fun about flying for the first time and getting sick along the way or going on that cruise you planned for months and having to throw up for most part of the trip, or what about those road trips?! This is all caused by Motion Sickness

What is motion sickness?

Motion sickness is the feeling you get when the motion you sense with your inner ear is different from the motion you visualize. It is a common condition that occurs in some people who travel by car, train, airplane or boat. Many people suffer from this condition if they ride on a roller coaster or other similar amusement park rides. Motion sickness progresses from a feeling of uneasiness to sweating and/or dizziness. This is usually quickly followed by nausea and/or vomiting.

Motion sickness is caused by the mixed signals sent to the brain by the eyes and the inner ear (semicircular canals). If you cannot see the motion your body's feeling, or conversely, if you cannot feel the motion your eyes see, then it is likely that the brain will get mixed signals and the person will develop some aspect or symptom of motion sickness.

I remember the first time I got motion sickness from the dreadful amusement park ride... talk about a sick date. After that ride, I wanted to do nothing more than to throw up and go home (yes, in that order). I hope to never get motion sickness again and if I do, I'll definitely be taking these with me and following these tips.

Crackers: Take these snacks along and nibble on them every couple of hours to help prevent nausea and vomiting. An empty stomach makes it more likely that you will get sick.

Ginger: Ginger has long been known as a herbal remedy for nausea, but modern science has proved this spice has merit, especially for motion sickness. One study discovered that ginger was actually better than over-the-counter motion sickness meds. Make a ginger tea to take along with you when you're traveling by cutting 10 to 12 slices of fresh ginger and placing them in a pot with 1 quart water. Boil for ten minutes. Strain out the ginger, and add 1/2 cup honey for sweetening if you like. You can also get any other form of ginger. Just ginger up.

Low-fat foods: If you eat a low-fat meal before you head out on your trip, you may avoid getting sick. Eating something before you leave makes your stomach more capable of handling the ups and downs of the road. Experts say not eating destabilizes the stomach's electrical signals, making you susceptible to nausea and vomiting.

Peppermint flavoured sweets or lozenges: If you start feeling sick, get out the mints. Not only will you end up with fresh minty breath when you arrive at your destination, you'll also calm your queasiness. And if you're traveling with little ones, try placing 1 drop peppermint oil on their tongues before the trip. It may quash the queasies.

Tea: Sip on some warm tea if you start feeling sick. Warm beverages tend to be easier on a nauseated tummy than a tall glass of cold water. Go for the decaf brew; caffeinated drinks aren't a good idea for unstable stomachs.

Apple juice: Drink a glass of apple juice with your pre-travel low-fat meal. Giving your body a bit of sugar with fluids before you start your journey should help you down the road. And if you start feeling ill, sipping (not gulping) some juice may help you feel better. Almost any non-citrus juice will do. Citrus juice irritates an already unstable stomach.

I hope these tips will help us all travel fun and free from that queasy nauseating feeling until we arrive our destinations.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Outfit Of The Day: Annisah Nini Mzathu

I've got a passion for fashion, but I've also got friends with that same passion. I decided to do things a lil different and put the spotlight on my friends a bit. This is the first official 'OOTD' and it's by my good friend/sister: Annisah Mzathu. She's a beautiful, crazy, cool person with a killer sense of style. She was awesome enough to allow me to use her pics for this post. Check it out :)

Annisah's look is inspired by fresh bright summery colours. She's keeping it clean with a plain white tee and a pretty in peach maxi skirt. She's also keeping in mind her modesty, so she finishes the look off with a plain white hijab and some accessories for extra pizzaz. Now isn't she looooveely :)

Peach maxi skirt: Mr. Price
White long sleeved tee: Mr. Price
Peach Pumps: Models own
Accessories: Mr. Price

Keep a look out for more OOTD inspired by my lovely friends.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The South African Lingo Book: A Guide to Our Slang pt2.

I hope you have mastered part 1 by now, because there is still more to come... pt2, pt3, maybe pt4 as well. Nevertheless, I am happy to be sharing this with you. It makes me Proudly South African.


dagga: [daah-gha] this is most the commonly used word for marijuana.

deurmekaar: [dee-ur-muh-car] Afrikaans for confused, disorganised or stupid.
Sentence: "I think he's a bit deurmekaar".

dinges: [den-ghes]something. Also known as "thingamabob, a wotzit or a whatchamacallit"
Sentence: "what's that dinges called again?"

doek: [dook] A head scarf worn to protect a woman's hair.

domkop: idiot, stupid or dumbhead.
Sentence: "Stop being a domkop and answer the question."

donner: [don-ner] to beat up. Remember "bliksem", they have similar meaning.
Sentence: "I'm going to donner you after class"

dof: stupid or slow to understand.

dop: alcohol or to drink alcohol. It is also associated with failing.
Sentence: "Let's go for a dop" or "I'm gonna dop that test."

dorpie: [door-pee] small town

Droëwors: [dro-ue-vors] Afrikaans for 'dry sausage', similar to biltong.

Durbs: The city of Durban. South Africa's playground.


eina: [ay-nah] Ouch! Can also mean "sore".
Sentence: "Eina! my leg!" or "I've got a big eina."

eish: [aysh] Used to express surprise, wonder, frustration or outrage.
Sentence: "Eish! That cut was eina!"

ek sê: I say! or Excuse me
Sentence: "Ek se, what time we going there?"


frikkadel: [freak-kuh-dell] A traditional meatball.

flou: an unfunny joke (from the Afrikaans word for weak), can also refer to weak coffee or tea. A person that is weak.
Sentence: "Haha, what a flou joke."

fray: kiss/make-out.


gatvol: [ghut-foll] Taken from Afrikaans, this means "fed up".
Sentence: "Eish, my china, I'm gatvol of working at this place." Translation: "Gee, my friend, I'm fed up with working at this place."

gogga: [gho-gha] Insect, bug. From the Khoikhoi xo-xon.

gogo: [goh-goh] Grandmother or elderly woman, from isiZulu.

gooi: [goy] throw, chuck or to someone.
Sentence: "gooi the ball."


heita: [hay-ta] "hello" or "hi".

hey: This popular expression can be used as a standalone question meaning "pardon" or "what"
Sentence: "Hey? What did you say?" Or it can be used to prompt affirmation or agreement, as in, "Great game, hey?" It can also be used to greet, especially when chatting via social networks.

hoesit, hoezit, howzit: [hoos-it/how-zit] derived from "How is it going? – contracted to how's it?_In English SA context, 'howzit' is more a greeting of "hello" rather than "how are you?".
Sentence: "hey howzit, long time no see."


is it: [as one word: izit] An expression frequently used in conversation and equivalent to, "Is that so?"


ja: [yaa] Yes.

jislaaik: [yis-like] An expression of outrage or surprise.
Sentence: "Jislaaik, I just saw Elvis! Actually, it was just Elvis Blue."

jol: [jawl] A versatile word with many meanings, including "party", "disco", "having fun", or just "thing".

Jozi: [jo-zee] The city of Johannesburg, South Africa's largest city, which is also known as Joburg.

just now: If a South African tells you they will do something "just now", they mean they'll do it in the near future – not immediately.
Sentence: "I'll be there just now."

ja-nee: [ya-nia] literally "yes-no", an expression of positive confirmation.
Sentence: "ja-nee, it's okay, you can come."

jislaaik! : [yas-like] expression of surprise, can be positive or negative. Often used when you get a fright, but equally often during particularly exciting parts of a game. Or to express anger/frustration.

Keep a lookout for pt3... coming soon to a computer/mobile screen near you!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The South African Lingo Book: A Guide to Our Slang pt 1.

Sooo, you've decide to come visit the beautiful Republic of South Africa... (Yeah, we are a Republic first). You're soo excited about your trip that you research on all the awesome places to see, the delish food to taste, the types (I'm talking culture here hey) of people to meet and the languages to learn, but somehow you just forgot to research on our 'slang'. Worry not good people, this guide will help you get through the lingo woes so that you can be on top of your game and have an awesomazing time.

South African English has a flavour on its own, borrowing freely from Afrikaans, which is similar to Dutch and Flemish, as well as from the country's many African languages.


abba: to carry a child secured to one's back with a blanket/towel/or any other piece of cloth that works.
Sentence: "why don't you abba him, maybe he'll stop crying".

amasi: [pronounced "aa-maa-see"] A popular drink of thick sour milk. From isiZulu. An alternative name is maas.

antie: [ant-ee] an older female authority figure.

apartheid: [a-part-hate] Literally "apart-ness" in Afrikaans, apartheid was the policy of racial separation, and the resulting oppression of the black majority, implemented by the National Party from 1948 to 1990.

ag: [agh] Generally used at the beginning of a sentence, to express resignation or irritation or even a sigh.
Sentence: "Ag no man, you again!"

aweh/awe: [aaah-weh] said in excitement.
Sentence: "Aweh; my boss said I can go home early today"
It is also used as a greeting.
Sentence: "Aweh ma se kinders (hello mates/friends/family)" or "Aweh, aweh, aweh, howsit?"

babbelas: [bah-bah-laas] A hangover.
Sentence: "It's Monday and you're babbelas?"

bakkie: [buck-key] A pick-up truck.
Sentence: "That's a nice bakkie you got there hey!"

biltong: [bill-tong] This South African favourite is dried and salted meat, similar to beef jerky, although it can be made from ostrich, kudu or any other red meat.

biscuit/biskuit: In South Africa a cookie is known as a "biscuit". The word is also a term of affection.
Sentence: "Pass me the biscuits please" or "What's up my biskuit".

blerrie/bladdy hell: [bler-ree/bloody] damn

bliksem: To beat up, hit or punch; or a mischievous person.
Sentence: "I'm gonna bliksem him" or "Hey, there's that bliksem, catch him."

blomming: Hanging out.
Sentence: "Ag, I'm just blomming outside and you?"

bobotie: [buh-boh-tee] A dish of Malay origin, made with minced meat and spices, and topped with an egg and milk sauce.

boerewors: [boor-uh-vors] Literally, "farmer's sausage". A savoury sausage, also known as 'Wors' developed by the Boers (farmers), boerewors is South African food at its most traditional.. Great with pap and relish.

boet/boetie/boeta: [boot/bootie/boota] From the Afrikaans word for 'brother', this is exactly what "boet" is all about, Brotherhood or best friends (guy friends).
Sentence: "My boet is not well hey"

bonsella: Surprise gift, something extra, or a bribe. From isiZulu.

bosberaad: [borse-bah-raad] A strategy meeting or conference, usually held in a remote bushveld location, such as a game farm.

braai: [braa-eye] a barbecue, grilled meat, used as a mainstream word in South African English.

bredie: [brear-dee] A traditional South African mutton stew, first brought to the country by Malay immigrants. It now refers to any kind of stew.

bru: [brew] A term of affection, shortened from Afrikaans broer, meaning "brother".
Sentence: "Hey, cheers bru?"

bunny chow, also known as kota: Delicious and cheap food on the go, bunny chow is curry served in a hollowed-out half-loaf of bread, generally sold in cafes.

cafe: [kaf-fee] The small neighbourhood convenience store, often found on street corners or someones house and stocks cigarettes, cold drinks and newspapers.

cherry: cute girls "meddie".
Sentence: "Are there nice cherries?"

chill: Relax. Take it easy.

china: To most people, China is the world’s most populous country, but to a South African it can mean something entirely different. China means "good friend".
Sentence: "heyyy, howsit my china"

chommie: Friend, from the English word, "chum".

cool drink, cold-drink: This is the common term for a soda, such as Coca-Cola. Ask for "a soda" in South Africa, and you will receive a club soda, so rather ask for a 'Coke', 'Fanta' or 'Sprite'

Saturday, 1 November 2014

It's Derby weekend! Manchester City vs Manchester United

The Soweto Derby has been postponed until further notice, however, there is another derby that ya'll can look forward to this Sunday. I'm talking about the Manchester Derby ;). Manchester United's Wayne Rooney takes on Manchester City Sergio Aguero at the Etihad. The first meeting between the two teams occurred on 12 November 1881. As of 31 October 2014, there have been 167 competitive meetings between the teams. United have won 69 and City 48, the remaining 50 games finishing as draws.

The biggest victories have been to City who have won 6–1 on two occasions in the official league (both times in the away fixture at Old Trafford) on 23 January 1926 and 23 October 2011. So don't forget to tune in tomorrow to find out who will come out tops when these two teams meet on Sunday 2/11/2014.

I'll definitely be in front of the telly with popcorn and drinks (don't think I'll get much eating done though) to support my Man United. Here are some of the faces you can look forward to seeing :)

Angel Di Maria, born on February 14, 1988. Plays for Manchester United as well as Argentina National football team. For some reason, Di Maria looks like someone I went to school with.

Tyler Nathan Blackett, born on April 2, 1994. Defender for Manchester United.
Daley Blind is a Dutch professional footballer, born on March 9, 1990 who also plays for Manchester United as a left-back and defensive midfielder.

David de Gea Quintana is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Manchester United. Born on November 7, 1990.

Radamel Falcao is a Colombian footballer who plays as a striker for Manchester United, born on February 10, 1986.

Marouane Fellaini, is a Belgian footballer who plays for Manchester United and the Belgium national team. Born on November 22, 1987. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing Fellaini without his fro...
Ander Herrera is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Manchester United. Born on August 14, 1989.

Adnan Januzaj is a Belgian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Manchester United. Born in Brussels, he began his career with Anderlecht before joining Manchester United in 2011 at the age of 16. Born on February 5, 1995. He got good hair...
Juan Mata, is a Spanish footballer who plays for English club Manchester United and the Spain national team. Born on April 28, 1988.

Robin van Persie is a Dutch footballer who plays as a striker for Manchester United and is the captain of the Netherlands national team. Born on August 6, 1983.

Wayne Mark Rooney is an English footballer who plays for and captains both Manchester United and the England national team. He commonly plays as a forward. Born on October 24, 1985. My lil bro shares the same birth date (but different year). OVO

Marcos Rojo is an Argentine professional footballer who plays for Manchester United and the Argentina national team as a defender. Born on March 20, 1990. The commentator should really stop saying 'MaRojo' coz it sounds like 'morogo' :D
Rafael da Silva, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Manchester United. He normally plays as a right-back, but can also play on the right side of midfield. Born on July 9, 1990. This guy is so versatile and he has a twin, Fabio. :)

Luke Shaw is an English professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Manchester United and the England national team. Born on July 12, 1995.
Antonio Valencia, is an Ecuadorian footballer who currently plays as a winger for Manchester United and the Ecuadorian national team and he was born on August 4, 1985. This guy is known for getting the funkiest injuries.

I must say, red looks good on you guys.

... and on the enemy lines... behold..

Sergio Agüero is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a striker for Premier League club Manchester City and the Argentina national team, born on June 2, 1988.
Edin Džeko is a Bosnian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League club Manchester City and the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team for which he is captain, born on March 17, 1986.

Vincent Jean Mpoy Kompany is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for and captains both English club Manchester City and the Belgium national team.
Frank James Lampard is an English professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder, attacking midfielder or defensive midfielder for Manchester City.

Samir Nasri is a French professional footballer who plays for English club Manchester City and the France national team.
Yaya Touré, is an Ivorian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for English club Manchester City and the Ivory Coast national team. He has to be on of my fav African football players.
Yeah I admit, I only put the few you can look out for.

Hope ya'll enjoy the derby. Win or lose, as long as the game was a good one :)

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Behold... THE BURPEE

Err, what's a burpee?

The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movement is performed in four steps and known as a "four-count burpee":

1. Begin in a standing position.
2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
3. Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended. (count 2)
4. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. (count 3)
5. Jump up from the squat position (count 4)
I haaaate burpees. Whenever I have to do burpees in an exercise routine, I always end up doing like 2 or 3 or 5 (cheating in-between). Burpees are actually good for you and one of the best exercise routines, why? Because:

1. They work your entire body.
Unlike isolation exercises like biceps curls and triceps kickbacks, burpees are a full body exercise. That means you’ll work pretty much every muscle in your body while doing them, so you’ll actually burn more calories in less time when you do burpees.
Do them quickly with intensity and you’ll get an even bigger calorie burning effect that will last all day long.

2. You can do them anywhere.

Since burpees require nothing more than your own body to do them, you can really do them anywhere. Such exercises like burpees are awesome because they give you no excuse not to work out.

3. They’ll get you stronger.

Burpees are the ultimate example of functional fitness, meaning they'll not only help you meet your weight loss and fitness goals, they'll also help you perform better during everyday activities like carrying groceries, lifting a suitcase over your head, carrying a bucket of water (when the water woes start) etc.

With every rep, you’ll work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. After a few sets of burpees, your legs will feel a bit like lead, your arms will shake and you’ll feel your muscles getting stronger. (My body always feel like jelly).

4. They boost your endurance (no treadmill necessary).

Want to get fit in a hurry? Whether your goal is to train for a race, try a new sport, get in shape for spring hiking season or just to look good, burpees will get you there, fast.

In fact, burpees are one of the best exercises EVER to boost your conditioning and endurance for sports and other activities. Even just 10 burpees in a row will make your heart pound and your breath get quicker. Do them consistently and watch as your conditioning level skyrockets!

5. They’re a great addition to any workout

Burpees are a dynamic, fast-paced, never-boring exercise, and a perfect addition to any workout, whether you’re doing a HIIT-style workout or need a quick tabata workout any time of the day.

Okay, okay, the burpee does wonders, I still don't like them. Well, I guess I will try the burpee challenge.


I, Mariam AM, vow to take and complete the burpee challenge to commence on the 1st of November 2014.
I challenge ya'll to join me in my quest for 'liking the burpee'
It will do wonders for all of us, so why not. :)

Sneakers, Heels and everything in between!

I'm a huge fan of shoes... shoes of all kinds (as long as they look good on my size 8 foot), but I'm a bigger fan of heels and sneakers. I was 11 when I got my first pair of heels. Dad took me on a shopping spree for getting good results in school and the first thing that caught my eye, was that silver grey wedged platform heel. I loved those sandals. I would wear them all the time, to school functions, family gatherings, playing with my friends... they were always the star of my show. Anyway, I no longer have them, because firstly, I grew out of them and secondly, my cousin and I swopped our fav heels.

Finding the right pair of shoes (heels) is never fun. First of, considering my shoe size, all the good ones come in and up to size6 *Sigh* and that's when my love for sneakers developed and of course being a sporty person I had to have something with oomph. I will always cherish the day sneakers and heels met, fell in love, got married and created these awesomazing babies. If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look... (I'm soooo excited!)

I still remember my baby blue All Star boot (see the one in black n white) which I had to give away coz they were causing grievous harm to my poor toes. I miss them.

Say yes to colour. After all, we are the Rainbow Nation :)

This is just too much for one woman to bear. I'm going to shop online for these babies. I'll tell you how it was ;)